Sunday, August 26, 2007

Most Sincere Apologies...

I haven't been writing here, have I? I do apologize. The past 3 weeks have been quite a turmoil at work and my mind just had NOT been here. Things seem to have calmed down for the time being and I have decided to take a weeks vacation in September to ward off the burn out. I shall return good as new.
Let's see, in the past three weeks I've been concerned with a few things:
Restless Leg Syndrome. My Gods, what, all the sudden, has caused so very many people's legs to go into this uncontrollable twitchy state? Thankfully the drug companies are coming to our rescue with their prescriptions. Side effects, apparently, may include hallucinations, problems with gambling, compulsive eating and increased sex drive. So, basically, you may lose everything you own while gambling and taking your fat, pink elephant seeing ass to hookers every night, but your twitchy leg problem will be a thing of the past. Okay, there's that problem solved.
My most fabulous friend was finally able to tell her old, crappy employer to take the proverbial flying leap and landed a great new job. Congrats to her and good luck on her first day tomorrow.
I finally broke down and bought a new car. Very happy about that.
Had the day off yesterday. That's right....I was off on a SATURDAY and it wasn't even the rapture! Spent the day with my son, of course. We went and saw STARDUST. LOVED it. Had some of the best, wait....THE best sushi of my life, bought some books. Good day!
Now that you are all caught up, I shall try very hard not to abandon my post here for more than a couple days at a time. I promise...I'll try...

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Went out last night. I don't drink. I have a horrible and unforgiving migraine which seems to be punishing me for things I have not done. All I did was go out with a couple of friends, drink Club Soda with lime, laugh at the guy with the Mullhawk who was break dancing (and I use that term loosely), go back to the cabin at Midnight and go to sleep. Pretty damned innocent, right? Well then you tell me what the hell is happening with my body.
Migraines and unwarranted hangovers...Somebady call Bush because THIS is the Axis of Evil...grumble...