Thursday, October 11, 2007


First, thanks to all who have either commented or emailed about my grandpa. Here is what is happening:
He does have a tumor on his esophagus. It's about an inch and a half long and is malignant, HOWEVER, the doctor's say don't count him out yet. It is something they feel they can remove and treat, but at this point they do not know if it has spread. That's the big question mark. He has an appointment the 30th of this month for an Oncologist to look at everything and decide how he wants to proceed.
I apologize for the gloom and doom of the last post. I had received all of my information from my mother who is goofy as all shit and I should have known that I needed to talk with everyone before I freaked out.
It may be bad, but we truly don't know yet.

Second, THANKS MAX for the award. Only problem is that I don't know how to retrieve it or what to do with it. I REALLY REALLY want it, though and thanks again.


Max Coutinho said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa :(! All there's to be done is wait for the news from his next appointment, and pray!!
Poor thing, you must be stressed out, though *nodding*! Hang in there, all right?

You are most welcome (award)!
I may show you what to do to retrieve it and put it on your sidebar:

1- right-click on the image (award on my post).
2- click on properties
3- copy the image URL address
4- go to your layout section, and click on add page elements
5- click add page element
6- click add picture
7- check on "from the web" section, and paste the copied URL
8- save
9- drag it to wherever you want it :)!

I hope this could help!

Anonymous said...

Ok, time for a new post. I know for a fact you don't have any other pressing matters to attend to...I'm dying here...