Monday, July 30, 2007

Oh My Goodyness...He's been arrested!

Let me tell you about work today. This is some really great shtuff!
We had some people picketing in front of one of our resorts because...(and I'm NOT kidding)... that particular resort does not have an indoor pool. (It has 2 beautiful outdoor pools and it is about a hundred degrees here and not raining... I ask you, what the hell?
Anywhooo...the contracts manager, who is a good friend of mine went outside to kinda defend our honour, so to speak, and damned if the cops didn't cuff him and put him in the squad car! Nevermind the people picketing on private property and blocking our driveway when people are trying to get here to check in, just cuff the dude who is doing his job.
I am saying this with a big fat smile: I took pictures and they are funny.
Also, it's Iris's Birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRIS!!!!!


My Opinion Counts Damn It! said...

Whining I know, but my wrists hurt from the cuffs. I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH, IF THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO PICKET, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL THEM THEY ARE IDIOTS. Which I did not do by the way. I did not call them anything. If I had chosen to call them anyting I would have called them...???

Anonymous said...

You're right, that IS some funny schtuff! Especially the part about the handcuffs.

I think I said this a little earlier about a totally unrelated incident, but I think it fits this too: Karma, live life right, and life will treat you good!

Hee Hee!