Sunday, July 29, 2007


What is it they say? Never talk about Sex, Religion or Politics, right? Well, I generally try to keep these posts to the lighthearted side of things, but this morning I was watching some news program while getting ready for work and it really pissed me off.
The entire show was a question/answer forum and the reporter would fire off questions to 3 or 4 different politicians and they would answer...or would they? Not really. I absolutely hate the way politicians skirt the subject or talk about "strategies." Strategy? What the hell does strategy have to do with it? Or better yet, what SHOULD strategy have to do with it?
I wish I had counted the number of times one of these politicians said something to the tune of, "Well, Hillary (or Obama or Rudy or Fred) needs to go about this in a way that....blah blah blah." Or (insert name here) needs to realize the impact that this will have on his/her campaign if...blah blah strategy...blah bullshit strategy...
You know what I (emphasis on I) think? I think if we didn't have one of the most crooked governments in the world, our candidates would not need to worry about strategy. I think that if our government was not so steeped in corruption, the candidates would be able to come out on their little platforms and talk to us like the intelligent human beings we are, lay out all of the facts, tell us how they really feel and then let us decide. Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, we have one of the most shady, unprincipled governments in the world. Apparently since it's the government of the USA, though, those who run it get to focus on how unethical some other countries are without answering for their own shortcomings.
These politicians are always talking about how OBVIOUS it is that they need to take this strategy or that strategy when it seems OBVIOUS to me (and pretty much everyone else I speak to) that they are running this country into the ground, most of the rest of the world is, at least, wary of us if not downright pissed at us and we just keep trucking on, condemning everyone else, pointing fingers all around without any accountability for what we do.
I can only hope and pray that the citizens of these other countries that we so often pick on or piss off understand that the everyday citizen like myself does not condone this bullshit behavior.
Ouch...I just fell off my soapbox, so that is all for now...Good day. I SAID GOOD DAY!

Disclaimer: I don't feel that ALL politicians are bad. I do feel that most of the good ones do not get the same opportunities that the good ole strategists get. Also, I'm a little bitch today.


Max Coutinho said...

Hey you!

I liked this post!
European's hobby is to bash on the Americans due to their policies (foreign ones, bien sûre)! But I am one of those who is against bashing on Americans cause I see that you guys have evolved a lot; and clearly the world finds you a role model, otherwise they wouldn't try so hard to follow your life style!
Yes, American politicians have made some bad decisions lately, but the genesis of that decision was well-intended (the strategy was well written, but its implementation was a mess)!
What's done is it's time for change; and it's up to you, Americans, to change it!


charmingly ardent said...

That's all I'm saying. America-great people, horrible government!