Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dastardly Coworkers

I have had one of the absolutely shittiest days at work today. You know the drill. You work in a building with a hundred other people and it's inevitable that you will butt heads sometimes. Thankfully, the universe has seen fit to lighten the mood for me (thanks universe...).

I went to use the restroom and when I turned to flush I dental floss from this morning floating there in the ole chamber pot. I stared for a good five seconds trying to figure this one out and can only conclude that when I threw it away this morning, it didn't make it to the trash. Obviously it was stuck to me when I got dressed. Needless to say, I cracked completely up standing there in the stall. When I recounted this tale to a friend of mine who was also having a shitty day, we went into absolute FITS of laughter.
I think I shall survive this day after all...


Anonymous said...

yeah, I still had a beetle in my hair at 9:30...wanna know how I found it? The cat attacked my head. What a day!

charmingly ardent said...

You will forever be BEETLE HEED!!!

My Opinion Counts Damn It! said...

I still say you swallowed it!

charmingly ardent said...

I did not swallow the floss, ya freak! Made out with any new strange guys, lately?