Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tell us what you really think...

Before I go into this story, I need to explain what kind of town I'm talking about when I talk about Eureka Springs. It is a quaint, historic little town where EVERYONE is welcomed. Any alternative lifestyle can be found in the beautiful people who live in this area. It is a lovely place full of lovely people of all ages, shapes, colors, creeds and styles and I am always joyously happy when I am among them. That said...
I was doing a closing the other day with an ordinary looking couple who sat across from me as if they were just normal polite human beings...looks can be so deceiving.
As the husband was going through the stack of paper I had given him, repeatedly signing his name, I began making small talk with the Mrs.
Me: So, I see you don't live far from Eureka Springs. My husband and I visit there a lot for
the different festivals.
Her: I never go there. I won't expose myself or my children to that place (place said with such ferocity that I almost didn't continue in this vein).
Curiosity getting the best of me, though, I asked her if she had had a bad experience there in the past and she answered:
Well, you KNOW they've made it legal to smoke MARIJUANA there, don't you?
I know that they've made it a low priority to arrest people who carry small amounts of it.
Well, they're probably just standing around on the street corners smoking it up all over town!
I didn't see anyone smoking it up while I was there.
Well, they support homosexuality (whispered as if saying it out loud would cause her want to crawl under the table and begin licking my cooch that immediate second).
Yes, it's a very diverse community.
AND THE BIKERS, Oh, they're just everywhere.
Yeah, Fucking 2 wheeled motorists, they!!? (this one I just thought to myself as I
would like to continue making a living by not pissing off new owners).

I thought for a fleeting moment maybe the Mr. would tell her to shut her mouth, but no such warning came because this wormy little turd was too busy nodding his head and agreeing with everything Mrs. Bigot said like some underfed dog waiting for a crumb if he did his tricks right.
By the time I was done making their copies and sending them on their way, I was flushed and angry and biting my tongue like never before. I IMMEDIATELY called my husband who laughed uncontrollably at me, knowing how hard it was for me to keep my mouth shut and not unload on this uncouth bitch.
Wake up people. It's 2007. Bigotry - unacceptable.


Anonymous said...

Hear Hear! I just happen to love stoned biker chicks who want to kiss me and show me their boobies!

AZZITIZZ said...

Hear, hear again! Your tongue must have been almost bleeding with all the biting you had to do. I used to want to tell people like that, how lucky they were that I hadn't brought in my shotgun that day! Although next time they may not be so lucky! But you don't do you! You can't can you!
But you REALLY REALLY want to! Ooooh, the frustration!

Anonymous said...

I live in Eureka Springs. My job, for the most part, is to encourage folks to visit. I'm sorry to say, your experience is so typical anymore. Of course like you, I prefer to continue making a living so I usually just keep my mouth shut. There was one time tho...

This "woman" (and it usually IS a woman, why is that??) kept emailing me about the sins of Eureka Springs. I usually just trash those emails but this one was so full of hate and spew I could not let it go. After a day of "thinking about it," I wrote her back this one liner... "we'll let the other perfect, non-judgemental people know you won't be coming this year." Never heard from her again. Hummmmm.

Another one...

"I'm not surprised by ANYthing your town does anymore..."

Oh really??? That's so funny because I am constantly surprised, amazed and shocked by what people do or say.

Thanks for standing up for us.

charmingly ardent said...

Of course, anonymous. I'll forever be a fan of ES!
By the way, I loved your comment to the woman who kept emailing you. I will probably begin using this one myself if you don't mind!! Brilliant!

Anonymous said... for the great blog.

yep, just a bit 2007 challenged i would say. nothing like a bit of social acceptance, compassion, and love to bring out the hate-mongers and bigots. all in the name of Jesus of course.

keep up the great blogging and come visit us sometime at

And feel free to send us your bigots..we've got skin thicker than the dinosaurs that never evolved.

Thanks again and keep on keeping on.